Our work so far

In October 2022, we published a Scoping Report which set out what we understood at the time to be the Project’s likely effects on the environment and how we would assess them.

Our Scoping Report was followed by the Secretary of State’s Scoping Opinion, which was provided in December 2022.

Since then, we’ve been carrying out a range of environmental assessments to better understand the potential impacts of the Project on the environment. We also continue to engage with stakeholders to understand in greater detail the area that we’re proposing to work in.

Our environmental assessments are undertaken using a wide range of data sources, including project specific surveys. To date, we’ve undertaken the following surveys:

  • Geophysical surveys – to distinguish the physical characteristics of the site (surface and subsurface)
  • Benthic surveys – to identify and map any habitats. Video footage and a collection of sediment samples have been taken.
  • Aerial surveys – to record any birds and marine mammals seen across the site.
  • Viewpoint photography – to analyse the existing view in comparison to indicative views of the proposed project.
  • Marine vessel traffic survey – to analyse vessel activity in the area around the project.

Using the wide range of data gathered, we have produced a PEIR. The PEIR provides a summary of the Project, the site selection process, engineering design development and the key findings of the EIA process to date.

The purpose of the EIA is to allow stakeholders to develop an informed view of the development, as required by The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the EIA Regulations 2017).

The PEIR also covers a comprehensive range of environmental topics. It presents assessments and potential impacts that were specified within the Planning Inspectorate's Scoping Opinion, on behalf of the Secretary of State. Throughout our PEIR, we have set out how we have addressed the comments included in the Scoping Opinion. Assessments have been supported by a wide range of analysis, including:

  • Example 1

As described in chapter X of the PEIR (methodology), all PEIR chapters provide an overview of the existing environment, followed by an assessment of the potential effects and associated mitigation during all phases of the project.

Consultation hub

For more information on the project and to view our consultation materials, please visit our Consultation Hub.

Amendments to our Preliminary Environmental Information Report ("PEIR") Volume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 were made 12/10/2023 at 16:00, no change to data shown on figures.

View the PEIR in our Consultation Hub