Information Hub
On this page you can view and download a selection of materials that provide more information about the Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Wind Farms: Transmission Assets project. This includes the materials from our 2022 and 2023 non-statutory consultations, our 2023 statutory consultation, and our 2024 targeted statutory consultation.
Should you require any of these materials in a more accessible format, or in a different language, please contact the project team by emailing or calling 0800 915 2493 (option 3)
2024 Targeted Statutory Consultation
Annex 1a: Supporting information on the proposed minor onshore route amendments
Annex 2a: Map Book - Overview
Annex 2b: Detailed Map Book
Annex 3: EIA Table (including cover sheet)
2023 Statutory consultation
Statutory consultation information
Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)
Consultation Brochure (Single pages)
Consultation Brochure (Spread pages)
Deposit Locations
Feedback Form
Consultation Poster
Consultation Newsletter (Single pages)
Consultation Newsletter (Spread pages)
Section 42 Notice
Section 47 Notice
Section 48 Notice
Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Wind Farms: Transmission Assets project - Map
- Recording of online consultation event 6 Nov 2023
PEIR Volume 1: Figures
1.1 Transmission Assets Red Line Boundary
3.1 Transmission Assets Red Line Boundary and Infrastructure Areas
3.2 Morgan offshore booster station search areas
3.3 Landfall location and arrangements
3.4 Onshore elements of the Transmission Assets
3.5 Cable installation in public highways between the landfall and Queensway (B5261)
3.6 Onshore substations
3.7 Onshore biodiversity net gain, enhancement and/or mitigation areas
4.1 Landfall Area of Search
4.2 Ribble Estuary Constraints
4.3 Potential Landfall Zones
4.4 Lytham St Annes Landfall Zone
4.5 Banks Landfall Zone
4.6 Southport Landfall Zone
4.7 Ainsdale Landfall Zone
4.8 Formby Landfall Zone
4.9 South Formby Landfall Zone
4.10 Preferred Landfall Zone at Lytham St Annes
4.11 Offshore Area of Search and Designations
4.12 Offshore Area of Search and Existing Infrastructure (excluding Oil and Gas)
4.13 Offshore Area of Search and Oil and Gas Infrastructure
4.14 Offshore Area of Search Scoping Boundary
4.15 Offshore Export Cable Routes
4.16 Offshore Export Cable Routes and Designations
4.17 Offshore Export Cable Routes and Existing Infrastructure (excluding Oil and Gas)
4.18 Offshore Export Cable Routes and Oil and Gas Infrastructure
4.19 Morgan Offshore Booster Station Search Areas
4.20 Establishing Onshore Substation Scoping Boundary
4.21 Onshore Substation Scoping Boundary
4.22a Substation Zone Heat Mapping
4.22b Substation Zone Heat Mapping
4.23 Onshore Substation Site Selection Search
4.24 Onshore Substation Site Selection Search Constraints
4.25 Potential Substation Sites Zone 1
4.26 Onshore Cable Route Scoping Boundary
4.27 Onshore Cable Corridor Constraints
4.28 Onshore Cable Corridor
PEIR Volume 2: Chapters
Chapter 1: Physical Processes
Chapter 2: Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology
Chapter 3: Fish and shellfish ecology
Chapter 4: Marine mammals
Chapter 5: Offshore ornithology
Chapter 6: Commercial fisheries
Chapter 7: Shipping and navigation
Chapter 8: Marine archaeology
Chapter 9: Other sea users
PEIR Volume 2: Annexes
2.1 Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology technical report
2.2 Water Framework Directive coastal waters assessment
3.1 Fish and shellfish ecology technical report
4.1 Marine mammals technical report
6.1 Commercial fisheries technical report
7.1 Navigation risk assessment
8.1 Marine archaeology technical report
PEIR Volume 2: Figures
1.1 Physical processes: study area
1.2 Physical processes: designated areas
1.3 Locations of site-specific and historic metocean data
1.4 MBES illustrating dunes on Morgan South
1.5 EMODnet and Gardline seabed substrate
1.6 Physical processes: distribution of average non-algal SPM (Cefas)
1.7 Physical processes: cumulative effect assessment – relavant projects
2.1 Regional benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology study area
2.2 Designated sites with benthic ecology features within the study area
2.3 Folk sediment classifications for each benthic grab sample within the survey area
2.4 Combined infaunal and epifaunal biotopes
2.5 Landfall intertidal biotope map
2.6 Cumulative assessment projects
3.1 Transmission Assets fish and shellfish ecology study areaVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.2 Herring spawning habitat and site-specific survey dataVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.3 Herring spawning habitat and Generation Assets surveys dataVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.4 Sandeel habitat and site-specific survey dataVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.5 Sandeel habitat and Generation Assets surveys dataVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.6 Sandeel spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for monopile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.7 Sandeel spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for pin pile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.8 Cod spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for monopile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.9 Cod spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for pin pile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.10 Herring spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for monopile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.11 Herring spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SPLpk contours for pin pile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.12 Herring spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SEL single strike contours for monopile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.13 Herring spawning and nursery grounds with subsea 10 dB noise SEL single strike contours for pin pile locationsVolume 2, Chapter 3 Figure titles 3.1-3.13 amendments made 12/10/2023 at 16.00, no change to data shown on figures.
3.14 Cumulative projects
4.1 Marine mammal study areas and relevant species management units (MUS)
4.2 Underwater sound level contours for Morgan OSP and Morecambe OSP concurrent piling single strike SEL
4.3 Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Windfarms: Transmission Assets and Grey Seal at-sea Usage (Carter, et al., 2022), overlaid with selcum contours due to maximum hammer energy concurrent piling at Morgan OSP (5,500KJ) and Morecombe OSP (5,5000KJ)
4.4 Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Windfarms: Transmission Assets and Harbour Seal at-sea Usage (Carter, et al., 2022), overlaid with selcum contours due to maximum hammer energy concurrent piling at Morgan OSP (5,500KJ) and Morecombe OSP (5,5000KJ)
4.5 Cumulative projects screened in for Marine Mammals
5.1 Study areas associated with impacts relevant to offshore ornithological receptors associated with the Transmission Assets
5.2 SPAs and Ramsar sites of relevance to the Transmission Assets assessment
5.3 Common scoter densities in the Liverpool Bay Area of Search (Lawson et al., 2016), with a 2 km buffer around Transmission Assets Red Line Boundary
5.4 Red-throated diver densities in the Liverpool Bay Area of Search (Lawson et al., 2016), with a 2 km buffer around Transmission Assets Red Line Boundary
5.5 Common scoter densities in the Liverpool Bay Area of Search (Lawson et al., 2016), with a 4 km buffer around OBS search areas
5.6 Red-throated diver densities in the Liverpool Bay Area of Search (Lawson et al., 2016), with a 4 km buffer around OBS search areas
5.7 Plans and projects considered in the cumulative effects assessment for the Transmission Assets
6.1 Commercial fisheries study area
6.2 Other projects, plans and activities screened into the cumulative effects assessment for commercial fisheries
7.1 Shipping and navigation study area
7.2 Offshore Activities
7.3 Vessel traffic Survey
7.4 Vessel traffic density
7.5 Non-typical ferry routes
7.6 Tier 1 Tier 2 windfarms
8.1 Transmission Assets marine archaeology study area
8.2 Transmission Assets survey area
8.3 West Coast Palaeolandscape study area reconstruction of the Transmission Assets marine archaeology study area
8.4 Geophysical anomalies within the study area
8.5 Geophysical anomalies within thestudy area
8.6 Geophysical anomalies within the Morecambe Offshore Windfarm: Generation Assets marine archaeology study area
8.7 Marine archaeology identifed within the desktop study area
8.8 Proposed AEZs and TAEZs within the Transmission Assets marine archaeology study area
8.9 Other projects, plans and activities screened into the cumulative effects
9.1 The Transmission Assets other sea users study areas
9.2 Disposal and aggregate extraction sites in the vicinity of the Transmission Assets
9.3 Recreational activities in the vicinity of the Transmission Assets
9.4 Offshore wind farms and cable routes in the vicinity of the Transmission Assets
9.5 Oil and gas licence blocks in the vicinity of the Transmission Assets
9.6 CCS and oil and gas activiites in the vicinity of the Transmission Assets
9.7 Other projects, plans and activities screened into the CEA
PEIR Volume 3: Chapters
Chapter 1: Geology, hydrogeology and ground conditions
Chapter 2: Hydrology and flood risk
Chapter 3: Onshore ecology and nature conservation
Chapter 4: Onshore and intertidal ornithology
Chapter 5: Historic environment
Chapter 6: Land use and recreation
Chapter 7: Traffic and transport
Chapter 8: Noise and vibration
Chapter 9: Air quality
PEIR Volume 3: Annexes
1.1 Geology, hydrogeology and ground conditions technical report
2.1 Water Framework Directive surface water and groundwater assessment
2.2 Surface water abstraction licences, discharge consents and pollution incidents
2.3 Flood risk assessment
3.1 Onshore ecology desk study
3.2 Interim phase 1 habitat survey technical report
3.3 Interim badger technical report (confidential)
3.4 Interim bat technical report
3.5 Great crested newt technical report
3.6 Interim otter technical report (confidential)
3.7 Interim water vole technical report
3.8 White-clawed crayfish technical report
3.9 Onshore ecology and nature conservation survey methodologies
4.1 Onshore and intertidal ornithology - Breeding birds survey report
4.2 Onshore and intertidal ornithology - Wintering and migratory birds technical report
4.3 Onshore and intertidal ornithology - Intertidal birds technical report
4.4 Ornithological survey methodologies
5.1 Historic environment desk-based assessment
5.2 Onshore archaeological geophysical survey report
5.3 Intertidal archaeological survey report
5.4 Geoarchaeological desk-based assessment report
6.1 Published agricultural land classification and soils data
7.1 Description of network links and sensitivity
7.2 Potential accesses
8.1 Baseline sound survey
8.2 Construction noise and vibration
8.3 Operational noise
PEIR Volume 3: Figures
1.1 Geology, hydrogeology and ground conditions study area
2.1 Transmission Assets hydrology and flood risk study area
2.2 Watercourses and flood zones within the study area
2.3 WFD catchments within the study area
2.4 Flood warnings and flood alerts within the study area
2.5 Bedrock geology within the study area
2.6 Superficial deposits within the study area
2.7 Source Protection Zone within the study area
2.8 Designated sites within the study area
3.1 Onshore ecology study area
3.2 Onshore ecology survey area
3.3 Phase 1 habitat survey area sections
3.4 Phase 1 habitat surveys completed and reported in the PEIR
4.1 Onshore and intertidal ornithology study area and designations
4.2 Onshore survey area
4.3 Coastal intertidal survey area
4.4 Estuarine intertidal survey area
4.5 Habitat types present within the survey area
5.1 Site location
5.2 Location of Morgan offshore booster station search areas and designated heritage assets
5.3a Designated heritage assets within the 1 km settings study area – Plot A
5.3b Designated heritage assets within the 1 km settings study area – Plot B
5.3c Designated heritage assets within the 1 km settings study area – Plot C
5.3d Designated heritage assets within the 1 km settings study area – Plot D
5.4 Designated heritage assets within the 5 km settings study area
5.5a Non-designated heritage assets within the 500m historic environment study area – Plot A
5.5b Non-designated heritage assets within the 500m historic environment study area – Plot B
5.5c Non-designated heritage assets within the 500m historic environment study area – Plot C
6.1a Land use study area
6.1b Recreation study area
6.2 Public rights of way
6.3 Recreational resources
6.4 Published soil survey mapping
6.5 Provisional Agricultural Land Classification mapping
6.6 Detailed Defra Agricultural Land Classification mapping
7.1 Highway network overview
7.2 Public transport network
7.3 Sensitive receptors
8.1 Offshore piling noise study area
8.2 Construction noise study area (landfall)
8.3 Construction noise study area (onshore export cable corridor and 400 kV grid connection cable corridor)
8.4 Operational noise study area
8.5 Construction vibration study area (onshore export cable corridor and 400 kV grid connection cable corridor)
8.6 Developments included in the cumulative effects assessment
9.1 Construction dust assessment buffers
PEIR Volume 4: Annexes
1.1 Seascape, landscape and visual resources planning policy context
1.2 Seascape and landscape character baseline technical report
1.3 Visual baseline technical report
1.4 Seascape, landscape and visual resources impact assessment methodology
3.1 Greenhouse gas assessment
3.2 Climate change risk assessment
4.1 Technical impact report - socio-economics
PEIR Volume 4: Figures
1.1 Seascape, landscape and visual resources study area
1.2 Preliminary ZTV with representative viewpoint locations – Scenario 1: Morgan substation site and Morecambe substation site option 1 (north) with local landscape character areas
1.3 Preliminary ZTV with representative viewpoint locations – Scenario 2: Morgan substation site and Morecambe substation site option 2 (south) with local landscape character areas
1.4 Onshore designations and context
1.5 Landscape context and designations Scenario 1: Morgan substation site and Morecambe substation site option 1 (north)
1.6 Landscape context and designations Scenario 2: Morgan substation site and Morecambe substation site option 2 (south)
1.7 Offshore wirelines and onshore substation photo wirelines
1.8 Offshore elements of the Transmission Assets and existing and proposed offshore and onshore wind projects
1.9 Onshore elements of the Transmission Assets and proposed onshore CEA developments
1.10 Offshore elements of the Transmission Assets and offshore windfarm cumulative ZTVs
1.11 Offshore elements of the Transmission Assets and onshore windfarm cumulative ZTVs
1.12 Offshore elements of the Transmission Assets cumulative wirelines
2.1 Aviation features in the vicinity of the aviation and radar study area for the Transmission Assets
2.2 Cumulative aviation and radar study area
3.1 Transmission Assets Red Line Boundary
4.1 Socio-economics (offshore) regional study area for the proposed development
4.2 Socio-economics (onshore) sub-regional study area for the proposed development
PEIR Non-Technical Summary
2023 Non-statutory consultation materials
Non-statutory consultation brochure (Single pages)
Non-statutory consultation brochure (Spread pages)
Non-statutory feedback form
Consultation Poster
- Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Wind Farms: Transmission Assets Webinar - 23rd May 2023
Materials from previous consultations
Scoping reports
We are undertaking a Targeted Statutory Consultation on minor onshore route amendments.
During our statutory consultation held late last year, we presented information about our proposals and sought feedback from stakeholders, landowners and the community. This feedback is important to us and will help inform how we develop the project ahead of submitting our final application for development consent.
Related feedback, as well as ongoing design and route refinements – informed by surveys and assessments – has led to minor amendments outside of the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) Red Line Boundary (RLB).
What does this mean?
As a result, a targeted consultation is now taking place. We have contacted those who may be affected by the updated proposals to allow them to provide any feedback they may have. If you would like to view the related Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) materials, please click the links on this page.
If you have already provided a response in relation to our 2023 statutory consultation, please be assured that your response is being considered. We will be issuing a newsletter in the coming months with key updates and this will be made available on our website.
Should you require any of our materials in an alternative format, please get in touch with the project team
Morgan and Morecambe Offshore Wind Farms: Transmission Assets
Call: 0800 915 2493 (option 3)
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